Sunday, November 06, 2011
Signs that the anti-Episcopalians are fracturing over the issue of women's ordination: This confirms my belief that many of the anti-Episcopalians have nothing in common besides their varied "beefs" against The Episcopal Church.
Bladensburg "Episcopalians" Welcomed as Romans

I was struck by the photograph that ran in the Catholic Sentinel. It shows Roman Cardinal Donald Wuerl confirming Mark Lewis, formerly the priest of that parish. But Lewis appears in a suit and tie -- not in an alb or any other vestige of priesthood. I suppose that Lewis was received as a layman.
It is sad to see such sights.
posted by Lisa Fox at 11/06/2011 05:49:00 PM
About Me
- Name: Lisa Fox
- Location: Jefferson City, Missouri, United States
I'm a progressive Episcopalian raised in the South and now (thanks to a job change) living in the conservative Midwest. I worship at Grace Episcopal Church in Jefferson City. I love the Episcopal Church, which rescued me from a life of wandering meaningless and gave me a way to explore my faith and belief in God. On any given topic, I am prone to yammer-on way too long. Sometimes I ponder way more than I should. A blog-friend said that I demonstrate a "muscled love for our Church." I hope I can live up to that. And right now I'm pondering Blogger's challenge to define myself in 1200 characters.
Previous Posts
- Please help my friend Mark
- This Ain’t Right This week I was pleased to b...
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- Speaking of Sudan
- What a Difference a Few Years Makes
- Blogging the General Convention
- Prayer Book Revision: Not Now. Maybe Never.
- Ah, for a uniform
- Employment Update
- After the Firing: The Unemployment Shag
My Daily Blog-Reading
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- MadPriest's "Of course I could be wrong..."
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More Very Fine Voices in BlogLand
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Lui Blogs
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- LuLuLui (Debbie Smith, our mission coordinator with the Diocese of Lui, Sudan)
Things Episcopalian
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Animal Rites
- "Animal Rites Collected": my September 2010 blogpost/collection of animal rites
- Andrew Linzey's Animal Rites
- Episcopal Network for Animal Welfare
- EpiscoVeg's funeral/memorial services for companion animals
- Rabbi Barry Block's "Prayer for the Death of a Beloved Pet"
- The Rev. Frank Logue's "Liturgy for the Burial of a Pet"
- The Rev. Robert Stiefel's "Liturgy at the Loss of a Pet or Other Animal" also available from the Diocese of New Hampshire
- St. Margaret's Episcopal Church [Little Rock] includes prayers for animals, lost pets, pets who have died, and liturgies for new pets, sick animals, and dead/dying pets.
- Prayer for a Dying Pet
- some secular poems and resources from AshesToAshes
Anglican Fun
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- 365 Reasons for Becoming an Episcopalian
Lui, Sudan (and related African) Sites
- AFRECS (American Friends of the Episcopal Church of Sudan)
- Deborah Goldfeder's "ADVENTure Sudan"
- Laura Toepfer's "Kampala Road"
- LuiNotes (reflections on my 2006 mission trip to Lui, Sudan, and official team blog for the Missouri missioners' 2008-09 time in Lui)
- LuLuLui (Debbie Smith's blog on the current mission to Lui)
- Missouri's Companion Relationship with Lui
- Missouri's Covenant with Lui
- Source of the River (Judith Gregory, Diocese of Delaware)
Politics of a Decidedly Leftie Slant
Other Good Stuff
General Convention 2009
- Blue Book 2009
- GC09 Legislation
- C056 Liturgies for Blessings
- D025 Ordination of LGBTs
- C078 Liturgy for Loss of Companion Animal
- Diocese of Missouri blog
- Episcopal Church Media Hub (webcasts, video, & photos)
- IntegriTV (videos)
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