Please help my friend Mark
Dear friends, you came to my need back in February, when I
broke my arm, could not work, and needed financial assistance. I remain deeply grateful for that. I could not
have made it without your help. Now I
bid your fervent prayers and ask you to help my friend Mark Freeman by
contributing to his
I live in a house that was built in 1922 by two sisters. It
is a beautiful home inside and out. They designed the house so that one flat
was upstairs and one downstairs. I moved into the upstairs flat about 13 years
ago. About 7 years ago, two brothers
(Mark and Ronnie) moved into the downstairs flat. Over the years, we have
become very good friends. We often while
away hours on their big front porch. Sundays are especially fun, as their
parents also visit. They say I have
become family, and that’s how I feel. They were a huge help during my Big Trials,
always ready to help me with small or large needs.
When I found employment a couple of years ago at the local
Schnucks grocery store, I encouraged Mark to apply there, too. He got the job,
and quickly became respected and liked for his hard work ethic and his willingness
to help everyone.
Early this spring, Mark began to experience some pain as his
neck swelled and swallowing became difficult. But, like so many Americans, he did not go to
the doctor. Why? Because he didn’t have health insurance. The swelling and
other problems grew worse and worse, but he wouldn’t to the doctor. He didn’t
have a “primary care doctor.” He didn’t want “charity.” He was holding out for
this October, when he would become eligible for health insurance coverage from
his job. I am tempted to digress here to talk about what the lack of affordable
health coverage is doing to hard working Americans, but I will forbear.
Mark didn’t make it to October. Late in June, on an ordinary
Sunday when his parents came to visit Mark and Ronnie, Mark’s problems had
become too severe to wait. They took him
to the Emergency Room. As you will read on Mark’s
page, things quickly escalated. First the doctors diagnosed a massive
infection. Soon after, they diagnosed cancer. Less than 4 weeks after his ER visit, they
performed a massive surgery that lasted over 10 hours and have changed his body
and his life forever. The thing that
most strikes me is that Mark can no longer speak in the voice we have known. They
cut his head open from ear to ear to ear in order to remove the cancerous cells.
In the process, they forever changed his vocal chords and more.
I can't begin to express how sad I am at what Mark has had
to confront in the past several weeks.
He is showing more courage than I believe I could muster. He never
complains, but continues to exhibit his wry humor.
Frankly, his brother and I wonder whether Mark can survive
So why should you contribute to his page? Because Mark and
his brother Ronnie are poor. Although they
have worked hard, neither of them has ever held a job that provides health
insurance or any other benefits. They are facing eviction soon if they cannot
pay their rent. They are facing trouble
if they cannot pay their utility bills. They struggle to buy groceries. I do
what I can to help them, but I can’t do enough. I am asking you friends to help
them with me.
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