Communication Skills
While I take it all seriously, I know that some moments of silliness are going to come out of the saddest situations. This is one of them.
A TV station invited people to share their photos and captions/explanations. This is one of them.
To all my English teachers and Language Arts teachers out there, I say: This is a great illustration of the need to write clearly!
Be sure to read the caption closely. [Click to embiggen.]

In case you can't read it, the caption reads: "We got almost 100 free sandbags from the town of Orange and filled them with our kids. We had flooding for the first time in 10 years during the Sunday storm two weeks ago. Trying to avoid it again."
I shared the photo and caption with my staff. Looking at the photo, I said: "They must have a lot of kids!" One of my colleagues retorted: "They must really love their car!"
Your response to the photo and caption?