Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fox & Martins in Accord!

I  attended  the Province V Synod meeting in Chicago earlier this week. At breakfast on the first day, I saw Bishop Dan Martins.  He and I have sparred on the HOBD list over the last few years, but we had a fond greeting over breakfast. 
Few official votes were taken at the Province V Synod meeting. But I could see Bishop Dan from where I sat.  Let the record show that we voted the same way on the two votes that were cast.  Who says miracles can't happen? :)  


Blogger Thomas B. Woodward said...

This was a meeting of two of the finest minds in the Episcopal Church. While each of you sees things in nearly opposite ways, in my experience each of you is respectful and kind towards those with whom you disagree. It is also true that neither of you suffers fools gladly, so I tend to behave in your presence. Yea, Lisa!

5/01/2012 4:42 PM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

Aw, Tom, you are too generous! But deep thanks for your comment.

I was tempted to stand up and should "Amen" at some of the comments Bishop Dan made at the Provincial Synod ... but I fear he might have been mortified by by approbation. LOL!

No need to "behave" in my presence, ClownNose. I love you just the way you are!

5/01/2012 8:07 PM  

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