Monday, April 26, 2010

More on Arizona

I’ll confess I wasn’t paying close attention to the Arizona legislation before I heard the news and wrote what I did yesterday. I just could not believe Governor Jan Brewer would sign the bill. After all, the crazy Arizona legislature had passed similar bills before. But then-Governor Janet Napolitano had always vetoed them. Alas, the current Governor, a Republican facing a challenge from the Loony Right, capitulated to the legislative hysteria. She signed the bill.

I was reminded in the news this evening about Arizona’s deliberations when a national holiday was created to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Of the 50 states that adopted that holiday, where do you reckon Arizona came in? Number 50. Dead last. Way behind states like Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi, which one might have expected to drag their heels. So what the heck is going on in Arizona? I live in a backwater, reactionary state, but even I am surprised by Arizona.

What I want to hear now from Episcopalians in Arizona is: How can we support you in ways that will make a real difference. Not just sign a petition or sign up to some Facebook group. What will make a difference?


Blogger MarkBrunson said...

I don't think the governor could've been said to "capitulate" as "cooperate" - and her comments made it clear to me that this was, once more, a cheap attempt by Republicans to undermine the Democrats who are the Feds, now, and an undertone of showing those "uppity" ethnic/colored types.

4/27/2010 12:58 AM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

Yeah, there's that too, Mark. As one of our worthy opponents is wont to say: Makes the heart sad.

4/27/2010 7:10 AM  
Blogger June Butler said...

I just could not believe Governor Jan Brewer would sign the bill.

Republican or not, I did not believe that the governor would sign the bill.

4/27/2010 5:11 PM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

Thanks, Mimi. I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one.

4/27/2010 9:32 PM  
Blogger MarkBrunson said...

Republican or not, I did not believe that the governor would sign the bill.

Lisa Fox said...
Thanks, Mimi. I'm glad to hear I wasn't the only one.

This is what I've been trying to tell you: you're all expecting rational, or at least sane behavior from the Right - stop! It's just dangerous for us to do so anymore.

There's the same atmosphere around the country, if not worse, as followed hard on the heels of Nixon's administration, but without the shattering disgrace to eventually rob its momentum.

For most of my life our society bore the scars of the all-out war on liberals/democrats/The Other. We wanted to forget an ugly time, so we did, and here it is again, dangerous and darker than before.

4/28/2010 12:06 AM  

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