Saturday, January 30, 2010

On The Road

I've been mostly on the road this month. I've logged some 1,400 miles in all parts of the state. If you've been watching my blog, you know I love driving the open road. And I've had much of that.

I've been teaching workshops on preservation to archives and historical societies all over the state of Missouri. I didn't actually make them answer difficult questions. [But I love this little photo.]

I have enjoyed the road trips and the people I've met. Sorry I've neglected my blog. I hope I can get back to it.


Blogger Kirkepiscatoid said...

No problem! Glad you're busy, but sorry it's SO busy.

(Although, I have been curious to see how your experience a couple of Sundays ago at the baptism was, through a different set of eyes--if only from the "How do others see what I've become accustomed to?" angle.)

1/30/2010 9:33 PM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

Maria, I started drafting a blog about that particular Sunday, but haven't had a chance to perfect it. Just FYI, its working title is "Sky Blue Juggler." Google "Richard Wilbur" for a hint.

It was a helluva Sunday, which continues to echo for me. If it weren't so important, it wouldn't be so difficult for me to write about. Know what I mean?

1/30/2010 10:25 PM  
Blogger Kirkepiscatoid said...

Absolutely! Of course, I love baptisms anyway. It's really hard to ruin a baptism!

1/30/2010 10:30 PM  
Blogger Catherine said...

Love the pic from the driver's seat. It is a little horizontal out there, isn't it? :-) But from what I see, beauitful too.

1/31/2010 9:21 AM  

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