Monday, February 09, 2009

Water for Lui

Many of you know I am deeply involved in our diocese’s companion relationship with the Diocese of Lui in Sudan. (You may have seen the stories I wrote in 2006 on the LuiNotes blog.) A member of the diocese has posted a marvelous story and appeal here. Last year, his parish raised some $18,000 – enough money to dig a deep well in Lui.

I encourage you to go over there. Donate money through his Twitter page, or go directly to our diocesan website to make a secure donation.

Water. It is the foundation of health and wholeness. Through the waters of baptism, we enter the Church. And by providing clean water to the Diocese of Lui, we are helping to live out our baptismal covenant.

I beseech you to contribute something – anything – to this initiative.


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