Buh-Bye, Dubya
Bush snubbed on an international stage ... literally. Here's 60 seconds of pure delight.
There are only two possible lifestyles: Gospel and not. Full stop.
posted by Lisa Fox at 11/20/2008 12:37:00 PM
I'm a progressive Episcopalian raised in the South and now (thanks to a job change) living in the conservative Midwest. I worship at Grace Episcopal Church in Jefferson City. I love the Episcopal Church, which rescued me from a life of wandering meaningless and gave me a way to explore my faith and belief in God. On any given topic, I am prone to yammer-on way too long. Sometimes I ponder way more than I should. A blog-friend said that I demonstrate a "muscled love for our Church." I hope I can live up to that. And right now I'm pondering Blogger's challenge to define myself in 1200 characters.
I had not seen that- WOW!
Thanks for posting that.
He is completely irrelevant.
Now that Obama is behind door #1, I bet the world leaders are not only heaving a sigh of relief, but (also, too) feel they can finally act like they want to.
He looks like he is in SUCH a hurry to get through that line...
Of course we are all in a hurry to see the door hit his fanny on the way out.
That's how it looks to me, too: like he's irrelevant.
His sagging shoulders and downcast eyes are a gift to me. Perhaps -- just perhaps -- he realizes what a total and complete failure he has been, how he has stripped the U.S. of all credibility and respect. ... No, that's too much to hope.
Hi, here thanks to a link from Fran.
The slumpy eyes-down look is so appropriate, but no--I doubt he even thinks about what he's done. He's too busy counting the seconds until his next drink.
Too funny. And sad.
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