Sunday, June 15, 2008


Other folks (especially Mark Harris) have tracked the news and written intelligently about the GAFCON meeting that's about to begin. While looking for something else, I happened to find this image at Opinionated Catholic. [Link alert, in response to Grandmère Mimi's comment below: Friends of this blog will not enjoy Opinionated Catholic's blog. But it seemed only fair to give credit for the image.]

Works for me.


Blogger Caminante said...

Or George MacDonald (of Iona) who said something about mice wreaking havoc. However, Minns wreaks far more than havoc.

6/15/2008 10:13 PM  
Blogger June Butler said...

Ain't that the truth?

I can't say that I appreciate your sending me over to that blog, Lisa. Well, you didn't exactly do that, but there was the link.

6/16/2008 7:35 PM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

I'm sorry, Mimi. It only seemed right to give him credit for the image. But I'll add a warning in the text.

6/16/2008 9:51 PM  
Blogger Jeffri Harre said...

I've taken to adding Mark Harris' "Poison Alert" graphic whenever I link to Stand Firm... Maybe I should use it whenever I link to a particularly venemous place.

6/17/2008 9:22 AM  
Blogger June Butler said...

And that link led me to my fellow Louisianian, Brad Drell, whose site I am not overly fond of, either. You were right to give credit, Lisa.

6/17/2008 9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, here's a cure for the bad taste: Elizabeth Kaeton has the sweetest picture of Del Martin and Phyllis Lyons, who were married last evening in San Francisco. lump in throat guarenteed.


6/17/2008 9:41 AM  

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