Sunday, August 05, 2007

Renegade Bishops

News around the Anglican Communion is just getting weirder and weirder, especially with the latest scuttlebutt that the Archibishop of Nigeria may send bishops into the Church of England because it's not Anglican enough. (Go to Father Jake for that bit of news and some darn fine commentary.)

I don't visit Padre Mickey's Dance Party often. But it sure was worthwhile this week. Do check out his ¡¡BISHOPMANIA!! post, apparently inspired by the news that Akinola plans to send more "flying bishops" into the Church of England.

My very favorite is this "photo" captioned, "The Five Most Holy Bishops of the Anglican Communion Network 'stand firm' as the very ground below them lists to one side."

But go see the whole series of posts at ¡¡BISHOPMANIA!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which one is Bob?

8/06/2007 12:52 AM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

You'll have to ask Padre Mickey for a definitive answer, and MadPriest for a delightful one ... but to my simple mind, it seems pretty clear that +Bob would have to see himself as the biggest of 'em all.

Isn't that what he's been about now for four long, boring years?

8/06/2007 1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd go with the little short one, first row, far left...

8/06/2007 11:23 AM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

Ah ... so Cranmer thinks Bob is a dinosaur? LOL

8/06/2007 8:01 PM  

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