Saturday, July 28, 2007

Reading Harry Potter

I'm in the midst of reading the new Harry Potter book. I've avoided reading about others' impressions, as I don't want to know anything about what's coming. So I promise: No spoilers here!

There's a line about half-way through, where Harry ruefully reflects on Dumbledore and says: "This isn't love, the mess he's left me in."

I didn't know why, but that observation made tears spring to my eyes and a sort of ache in my heart. I didn't pause to think about why the line affected me as it did.

So thank God for "Klady," who blogs at Lady of Silences. Apparently the line struck her, too. Go read her marvelous essay, This isn't love, or is it? The rich reflections she draws from that one line are just right.


Blogger Caminante said...

I couldn't sleep for three hours last night so figured why not... I got up to page 675 or something. I'll keep mum.

7/28/2007 12:11 PM  
Blogger Saint Pat said...

Thanks for the great link, Lisa.

I've never read any of the Harry Potter books - no objection to them, just never read them. Maybe I'll crack open this one.

7/28/2007 12:55 PM  
Blogger klady said...

Thanks, Lisa. Glad you liked it.

You, BTW, are one of the bravest in all of blogland (no doubt elsewhere, as well). I'm awed by anyone who subscribes to and reads from the HoB and Deputies listserve (most of us mere mortals find it overwhelming). But then you've also taken on the SF crowd and spoken up for Bishop Pike, all within the space of a few days. Sounds like a character from Harry Potter.

Seriously, I'm humbled. Thanks for the mention.

7/30/2007 2:43 PM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

Caminante, I hope you have finished the book by now. My experience was kinda like yours: I thought I had a couple of hours to blow. Then I got sucked in.

St. Pat, I'm really surprised that you haven't read them. I would have guessed you would have loved the world that Rowling creates in these novels.

Klady, you are making me blush! You've said much of what I ferventlyh hope is true ... but I don't assume it to be so.

7/31/2007 11:14 PM  

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