How Gay?
According to the Gayometer, I'm not nearly the true-purple lesbian I thought myself to be. Alas and alack.
Now, in my defense, let me hasten to say that I believe the "test" is severely flawed. For instance, you're graded "down" if you haven't been involved in a street fight, have 0-1 tattoos, don't know how to change your oil, or don't own leather trousers. This test is all about stereotypes.
I'll accept that I'm only 46% stereotypically gay. But I'll insist that on the Kinsey scale, I'm 98% gay. So keep your hands off me, you Exodus types!
Are any of you willing to take the test and reveal your results?
Land sakes, woman, that quiz is skewed so badly. I only scored 40% gay, but, hey, I was married twice to men for a total of 25 years - so who knows what bad habits I picked up.
LOL, ShareCropper! Yes, it's badly flawed. Thanks for making me laugh.
Ha! I'm 46% gay too! And I'm, well, not. At least I didn't think so ... :-)
But it says you are happy and well adjusted and a "babe" --- pretty good.
LOL, Ann. And indeed I am, on all counts! ... Except that I've never thought of myself as a "babe." But happy and well-adjusted? You betcha!
I'm just 33%. The graphic said, "Too Straight". I imagine I'd have scored even lower, except for a few, typically non-male answers (e.g. I'd rather be a cat than a dog, I'd rather hire a professional for a home improvement project, etc... and incl a few others which would be in the TMI category ;)
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