Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Today in History

On this day (March 21) in 1556, after denying earlier forced recantations, Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer, author of the Book of Common Prayer, was burned at the stake by Queen Mary. It is said that he stuck his right hand (the one with which he had signed those recantations) into the flames that it might be burned first.

And looking back to last week: On the Ides of March, the election of the Reverend Mark Lawrence as bishop of South Carolina was declared null and void, after his supporters neglected to submit their consents in appropriate form.

I'm not sayin' . . . . I'm just sayin' . . . . Oh, never mind!

Incidentally, if you're wondering why I've abandoned my blog, it's because all my energy is going into The Episcopal Majority. But I'm sure you're all following the news in the Episcopal Church as closely as I am, and you'll understand.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"after his supporters" Too bad you frame it this way and futher politicize the issue. It used to be that unless there were serious impediments of a moral nature, Standing Committees would give their consent. So, you come across as if those who submitted the atypical ballots are substandard because they back Lawrence who, of course, you also think is substandard.

3/23/2007 9:29 AM  

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