Monday, December 25, 2006

Sad News, Good News

I was very sad to read this month that The Witness must cease publication, even in their recent Web-only format. This has been an important journal and then e-journal for progressives within our church since 1917, and its demise is a sad occasion.

Many of us were delighted when Sarah Dylan Breuer became Editor of The Witness barely more than a year ago. She has done marvelous work there since assuming the reins.

So far as I can tell, there is but one "silver lining" in this cloud. Now that Dylan is not giving every spare moment to collecting and analyzing news for The Witness, she may be giving newly-energized attention to the "Anglicana" section of her blog.

Go there. Read that. And bookmark it for your regular reading. She is a passionate, evangelical voice for orthodoxy, moderation, and justice in this church of ours. As such, she is a rare voice indeed.


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