Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Young Episcopal Priest on “What Not to Wear”

I had never watched the TLC cable channel until recent events. Here's a “Must See TV” alert for all my Episcopal friends. Mark your calendars for this Friday evening, 8:00 Central Time on The Learning Channel (TLC).

Watch What Not To Wear Friday night. For it features one of the younger priests in our diocese, Emily Bloemker, who is on the staff at St. Timothy’s.

This is oral tradition, but this is what I understand.

Emily was a student at the Episcopal Campus Ministry at Washington University, led by the Rev. Michael Kinman, a few years ago. She heard his appeal and traveled on one of our diocese’s first trips to the Diocese of Lui, in The Episcopal Church of Sudan, in 2005. I hear it was in reflecting on that trip that Emily claimed the call to ordained ministry. She went on to seminary and was ordained in June 2009. [I blogged about her ordination here.] I know that Emily was one of my best advisors when I made my own trip to Lui, Sudan, the next year.

Emily is a smart, passionate, joyful, no-B$ priest. As I hear it, she is a fan of the What Not To Wear show and expressed a wish they could do a wardrobe make-over for her. Apparently, some of her friends contacted the show. And the show decided to take her on.

Then Mike Kinman invited Emily to deliver a presentation on Sudan early this year at Christ Church Cathedral. Except it wasn’t really a Sudan session. It was a set-up … into which the What Not to Wear Duo sprang. My St. Louis friends tell me it was a very pleasant evening. Apparently, Mike had warned the crew that they were filming in a church, and a certain decorum must be obeyed. From all I have heard, it was a delightful evening with much good-natured banter between the show’s crew and the gathered Episcopalians.

If you’re in the St. Louis area, we are having a “watch party” on Friday, February 5, at the Lucas Park Grille in St. Louis. Be there if you can. It promises to be a fun evening.

Otherwise, just watch the program.

It will be interesting to see what these people do with a lovely young Episcopal priest and her wardrobe.

At What Not To Wear, the promo for this new episode says "Emily is your typical single girl with one divine difference... she's an Episcopal priest. She may have been called by a higher power but her friends and family called Stacy and Clinton. Can Emily find a feminine style that balances her youthful energy?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, that is almost worth getting cable for! One, I haven't seen Mike in years and two, I could use some priestly dressing tips (or at least hope to use them someday).

2/02/2010 10:09 PM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

Get someone to record it for you .. then watch.

Yes, Mike is awesome.

And Emily is a love.

I am eager to see it.

2/02/2010 11:58 PM  
Blogger Malcolm+ said...

Good for Emily.

(Of course, the Mad Priest may add her to his list of attractive potential female bishops.)

2/03/2010 12:04 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

Let's see ... they'll suggest slimming dark wash jeans, pointy toed shoes to elongate the leg ... I wonder what they'll do about the dressier look ... thanks for the heads up!

2/03/2010 9:10 AM  
Blogger motheramelia said...

Don't get TLC unfortunately. Not worth paying for the higher channels, but it would be great to see this.

2/03/2010 10:05 AM  
Blogger Sarah SSM said...

Oh, I would love to see this! We don't get cable at the convent, and we're in silence by then anyhow... but as an Episcopal-priest-wannabe myself, I have an extra interest! Maybe I'll get someone to record it, as Lisa suggests.

2/03/2010 12:37 PM  
Blogger MadPriest said...

Of course, the Mad Priest may add her to his list of attractive potential female bishops.

Excuse me, but as Lisa will verify, the gorgeous Emily was babelicioused on OCICBW... yonks ago. In fact, her rise to stardom is, no doubt, the direct result of her appearance on my blog.

2/03/2010 1:02 PM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

Yes, the MadPriest is absolutely correct! As usual. :)

2/03/2010 3:02 PM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

You who don't have cable or don't get TLC, I wonder if they make some of their programs available for online viewing. Hmmmm ...

2/03/2010 3:03 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Most shows are on the web shortly after they air - so google it and you can probably find it.

2/04/2010 11:12 AM  
Blogger Widgett said...

I am a woman of the cloth myself and was so excited when I was channel surfing and found the program. It was great to be reminded that our calling does not require us to sacrifice our femininity. Emily looked awesome and made the "family" proud!

2/05/2010 9:06 PM  
Blogger Paul Davison said...

I loved the program. What a wonderful advertisement for the Church that shows that a priest can be a priest without giving up her identity as a woman (or "his identity as a man", for that matter!).

It's just scary to realize that she's my daughter's age.

2/05/2010 9:47 PM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

Glad y'all watched it.

I was very proud of Emily, and pleased by the program.

2/05/2010 11:12 PM  
Blogger WSJM said...

Thanks for the heads-up on this program, Lisa. I thought Emily was a charming young woman. My only regret was that when TLC provided her with $5000 (I think it was) for her wardrobe they didn't also give $5000 to Episcopal Relief and Development. Or maybe they did, and just didn't say so. (And if they didn't: TLC, it's not too late! I suggest the Haiti fund. And/or Sudan.)

2/06/2010 6:40 PM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

WSJM, I'm sure TLC didn't do anything. However, the program gives $5,000 to the person so they can go shopping for a new wardrobe. Emily tithed 10% of that amount to our relationship with Lui, Sudan ... which she has visited twice now.

2/07/2010 7:31 AM  

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