Sunday, April 08, 2007

Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

What a blessing it was to celebrate the resurrection last night at the Great Vigil of Easter, and again this morning! As I've written here, I came closer to "walking with Jesus through Holy Week" than I ever have before; at times I felt the grief and desolation nearly unbearable. With what joy, then, did I celebrate the coming of this Easter. I'll try to write more about this, but for now I just need something at the top of this page that reflects the joy and freedom of this Easter day.

So, of course, having exceptionally good taste, I went to MadPriest's and nicked this joyful image. (I hope he'll give me absolution.) Go over there and read the marvelous poem he has written for this day.
Also stroll over to Father Jake's place and read his Easter sermon excerpt.

The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you really will write more about your joy at Easter. Not too many of us take the time to feel the pain and brokeness of his walk to the cross, and so do not feel the incredible joy of the resurrection. I wonder if you might compare your experience this Easter to your Easter last year, for example....

4/09/2007 5:59 AM  
Blogger Saint Pat said...

Alleluia! He is risen indeed!

Have a joyous Easter season.

4/10/2007 5:55 AM  
Blogger Lisa Fox said...

Cranmer, I do hope to take on your challenge. I have plenty of verbosan thoughts about it. But I've launched into a hideously busy 9-day period with work every day and church meetings every night and all next weekend. I will return to this, though.

4/10/2007 11:03 PM  

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